Is there such a thing as love at first sight?
That's the question I used to ask
Until I laid eyes on you.
How is it possible to feel so much for a stranger?
Love has no limits, no color, no time.
That's when I realized I had fallen in love -
Love at first sight.
Love at first sight emanate when you are struck by the cupid's arrow.......Love is an inexplicable feeling. You tend to go through a storm of emotions when the Cupid successfully hits you with his arrow....... When one experiences love at first sight, every breeze leaves a smile floating on your face. Everything around seems to look changed. The weather seems to be simply perfect and the world around you seems to have got metamorphosed. This is a feeling of love at first sight. Love can touch any heart and make you feel great. These are those sentiments of love that can keep the memories fresh for lifetime in the heart.
Love never dies. It will always live in your heart and in your memories.
Cupid, the small winged god, always with his quiver, whose arrows are impregnated with the sacred elixir that induces love and passion in the hearts it crosses. In this image, A man sees a woman in rabbit-shaped pink slippers, in a field, and it is love at first sight!
When I Walked In The Room,
I Saw Your Face.
When You Smiled At Me, I Knew You Were The One.
When You Looked At Me With Your Beautiful Brown Eyes, I Knew You Were Feeling Me.
When We Touched Our Lips Together, I Knew This Wasn'T A Dream.
When I Left That Night, I Said To Myself This Was Love At First Sight..